our references




Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS) is the largest Swiss airline and part of the Lufthansa Group. It operates direct flights between Switzerland and Europe and the world from the national airports in Zurich and Geneva.

As Switzerland's airline, SWISS stands for the country's traditional values and is committed to the highest quality in products and services. Its manageable size gives SWISS better customer proximity and enables a more individualised service.

SWISS has been our customer since 2015. We are responsible for outfitting their pilots and flight attendants as well as for the planning and production of all uniform parts. SWISS has approximately 10,000 employees

Austrian Airlines
Austria Center Wien
BMI – Bundesministerium für Inneres
BMW Wien
Vienna International Airport
Casinos Austria
German Railways (DB)
Energie Comfort
Flughafen Graz

KHM – Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
Linz Linien
Magistratsabteilungen Wien
Newrest Wagon Lits
Austrian Army
Austrian police
Österreichisches Rotes Kreuz
People´s Air Group
Rapid Wien
Rettung Wien

Rohrdorfer Gruppe
Rotes Kreuz Österreich
Samariterbund Österreich
Steiermark Bahn
(Styrian Railways)

Swiss International Airlines
Der Walter
Wiener Linien
Wiener Lokalbahnen
Wiener Wohnen